This is some of the milled wood for our project. David L. has been very busy collecting trees and helping the sawyer. Cold, and wet weather aside, they have put a major effort in trying to get it ready by the end of the year. Susan gave them a Christmas deadline, as a gift to me for the holiday. Now I have to meet the same deadline for finalizing the plans for the permit! Getting the cart ahead of the horse, I guess. But a barn permit won't be too hard, I hope!
You can see mud. So slick I couldn't get close with the truck, and had to slog through it on foot for these shots. I think the deadline may have to be a bit more flexible, but they are close to complete on the take off list, as it exists so far.
You may have noticed a big lapse in posts. Weather, work, school, family matters all have a part to play. Hopefully, we will get back on track as the new year starts. No big plans for the Christmas break here, we'll be together, and that's all that matters.