Friday, September 18, 2009


Been working, mostly. Not much progress to report.

I've been working at the hospital, and Susan has been busy with kids and school activities. David L. has been here a few hours each day working on another project, we are reclaiming an old strip pit that was left here 40 years ago. The area we are working on lies on the southern border of our property, and includes a spill pile of tilings that forms a dam between two lakes. The southern most lake is a strip pit, and lies mostly on my neighbor's land. The fence between our properties actually runs through the shallow lake. The pile of tilings rises much higher than the water level, it is so devoid of organic matter, even weeds will not take hold on it. David has been scraping it down, pushing it north and south into a small ridge, and then adding some topsoil over it so it will grow something. It is tedious work, but he is doing such a nice job. I wish we could devote more time to the barn project, but with me stuck at work so much of the time, and Susan and the kids going strong with school work and activities, I'm afraid it is going to be slow movin' for a while.
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